We Can’t Get Back To Normal If People Think Spreading COVID Is Murder
https://thefederalist.com/2020/12/30/we-cant-get-back-to-normal-if-people-think-spreading-covid-equals-murder/ →Read more
Taking control of your most valuable asset.. privacy
https://thefederalist.com/2020/12/30/we-cant-get-back-to-normal-if-people-think-spreading-covid-equals-murder/ →Read more
It is articles like this that are shredding the credibility of government and the scientific establishment. Any person who has spent two minutes on a subway or crowded bus knows that it is the perfect environment to spreading viruses and germs. You don’t need to be a rocket scientist (or epidemiologist) to know that. It […] →Read more
This post will be continuously updated with resources from others on alternatives on how to remove Google, and other centralized “spying as a business model” service from your life: https://wiki.scorchedweb.com/doku.php?id=switching_from_google →Read more
There is a solid history in the US of consumers banding together to effect (or is it affect?) change by using the power of the purse to reward or dissuade companies from there political practices. In that vain I would like to suggest that a list be formulated of preferred companies for those that believe […] →Read more
Burner email Services Create fake (burner) email addresses that can be used for services that require email for you to sign up, but you don’t want to give your real email. This is the equivalent to how people used Hotmail back in the day. Burner Mail – https://www.burnermail.io/ Mail Drop – https://maildrop.cc/ Proton Mail – […] →Read more
In addition to these secure and private email hosting services previously profiled (www.fastmail.com and https://protonmail.com/) there is an open-source software alternative called MailPile that allows you to host your email on your own desktop or server and then use a web interface to access your email on your computer. This way there is no leaking […] →Read more
There are things you can do right now to take back your privacy. These are specific applications you can start using today to do exactly what you want (text, mail, communicate) without having to go through the gauntlet of the surveillance economy companies (GMail, etc). These web sites offer general advice on how to use […] →Read more
If you are a supporter of a more democratic, less censored web, where privacy is the foremost importance, then there are organizations you can join and support that are working to advance these causes. While not all of the organizations support everything you may believe in, and they may support things you don’t (I certainly […] →Read more
Would you let complete strangers know everywhere you have been? How about where you are planning on going today, would you let them know that and your exact route on how you want to get there? How about every place you are thinking about going but haven’t decided yet? If you use google maps you […] →Read more
Here are four articles that are good reads on the usual privacy and how to best safeguard yourself from companies in the business of stealing your privacy and selling it for a profit (aka: Google, Facebook, Amazon, etc…) https://www.pcmag.com/article2/0,2817,2363302,00.asp https://www.wsj.com/articles/facebook-really-is-spying-on-you-just-not-through-your-phones-mic-1520448644 https://www.wsj.com/articles/how-to-dump-facebook-or-at-least-put-it-in-the-dog-house-for-a-while-1521846110 https://medium.com/@getongab/the-ultimate-guide-to-freeing-yourself-from-facebook-and-keeping-all-of-your-data-8a93efbf529e →Read more